Automation City System - An Interactive Environmental Design Method Based on Data Perception


The role of urban design and urban space creation in improving the living environment is unquestionable, and it is very important whether the quality of space design can continuously and effectively meet the needs of users. In the past, the simple "top-down" or "bottom-up" planning approach could not clearly reflect the changing needs of users or lack of attention to changes in user needs. With the development of technical means, the Internet of Things and the interactive environment provide new possibilities for the overall process of planning. From this perspective, we clarify the mechanism of interaction technology in the process of urban development, and discuss how to improve the effectiveness of planning strategies and design participation in urban development. And on this basis, a new urban design method is defined. The approach focuses on urban data-aware and interactive environments, enabling planning strategies to be better integrated into urban development systems. Taking the urban design in Shanghai as an example, we explain in detail the method of using the automated urban system for environmental quantification and design and the possibility of its application in actual projects.

Technical Route

Quantitative Analysis and Spatial Evaluation

Future Scenarios

Collaborators: Bayi Li, Xiaoran Guo.

For the related paper see:

Feng, W.*, Li, B. (2021). Automation City System: An Interactive Environmental Design Method Based on Data Perception: Space Renewal of Wendingfang Street, Xuhui District, Shanghai. 2020/2021 China Urban Planning Annual Conference. 10.26914/c.cnkihy.2021.033743