Urban Land Use Layout Agent-based Model Research Based on Baidu POI Data


With the development of China's urbanization process, the demand for land use adjustment in urban built-up areas is getting increasing. This study aims to provide support for land use layout adjustment. Based on the analysis of Baidu POl data in urban built-up areas identified by satellite imagery, the relative distance and quantity between the various activities (residence, work, recreation) within the city are calculated. Then we used it as the agent's behavioral rules. Through the agent-based model, the land use layout is generated inside the target parcel. The whole study takes the urban renewal of the Luting Airport area in Qingdao as a case. The study combines big data and ABM as well as multiple techniques and analytical methods. The results can reflect the requirements of regional land use relatively objectively, making the internal function allocation of the city more reasonable.



Evolution Rule

Evolution Process


Collaborators: Peiyao Song, Bayi Li, Lingda Kong.

For the related paper see:

Feng, W.*, Song, P., Li, B. (2021). Application of Multi-agent System in Land Use Decision-Making of Industrial Park: A Case Study of Tianfo Health Industrial Park, Shandong. Spatial Data and Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12567. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-69873-7_10