Wenhan Feng

November 2, 1996 · Male · Chinese

E-mail: wenhan.feng@geographie.uni-muenchen.de


Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU): PhD student

10/2022 Munich, Germany

North Rhine-Westphalia Technical University of Aachen (RWTH): Master of Science in Urban Planning

09/2020 - 09/2022 Aachen, Germany

Shandong University of Science and Technology: Bachelor of Engineering in Urban Planning

09/2014 - 06/2019 Qingdao, China

Employment Experience

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU): Teaching assistant

04/2023 Munich, Germany

Trends Assessment, Scenario and Modeling and Applied Modeling

Internship Experience

Citory Tech Company Ltd.

Aug.2018 – Nov.2018 Shanghai, China

Job-housing Balance Analysis (mobile phone signaling data); Spatial Optimization in Master Plan of Pudong New Area (street view ML image segmentation).

Qingdao Tourism Planning and Architecture Design Research Institute

Nov.2017 – Jan.2018 Qingdao, China

Township Master Plan.

Shandong University of Science and Technology Architecture Design Institute

Jul.2016 – Aug.2016 Qingdao, China

Industrial Park Development.

Academic Experience

Deutschen Kongress für Geographie (DKG)

2023 Conference, Frankfurt, Germany

Paper: A Systematic Review of the Status and Dynamics of Flood Resilience Studies

BEHAVE Summer School 2023

2023 Summer School, Brescia, Italy

18th Social Simulation Conference

2023 Conference, Glasgow, UK

Paper: Modeling Response to Urban Planning (MRUP): From GIS and ABM to Planning Support System

Computational Social Science Methodology Summer School

2023 Summer School, Wuhan, China

Oxford Summer School in Economic Networks

2023 Summer School, Oxford, UK

EGU General Assembly 2023

2023 Conference, Vienna, Austria

Paper: A Network-Based Model for Simulating Regional Transformation

International workshop on Flood Risk and Resilience at Community Level

2022 Conference, Munich, Germany

Conference Organization and Services

Computers, Waves, Simulations: A Practical Introduction to Numerical Methods using Python

2022 Coursera Certificate, Munich, Germany

Tongji University DigitalFUTURES

2021 Workshop, Shanghai, China

Project: Exploring the Method of Evaluating Flooding Risk of Building groups in Mountainous Area with GAN and GA

RWTH Aachen Honors College

2021 Workshop, Aachen, Germany

Participated in research group on structural materials for the post-oil era


2020 Conference, Shenzhen, China

Paper: Application of Multi-agent System in Land Use Decision-Making of Industrial Park

CUPUM: Computational Urban Planning and Urban Management

2019 Conference, Wuhan, China

Paper: Urban Land Use Layout Agent-based Model Research Based on Baidu POI Data

CDRF: Computational Design and Robotic Fabrication

2019 Conference, Shanghai, China

Paper: Urban Memory Accessor: Mechanical Design of Interactive Installation Based on Arduino

Tongji University DigitalFUTURES

2019 Workshop, Shanghai, China

Participated in research group on automation design, topology optimization and digital construction

German Space Planning Exhibition

2018 Exhibition, Qingdao, China

Exhibition Guide, Explain

CAADRIA: Annual conference for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia

2018 Conference, Beijing, China

Paper: Soft Architectural Robot Design of a Multi-Layer Composite Material Apparatus with PAM Actuator and Its Architecture Implications

Tsinghua University Architecture Summer School

2017 Workshop, Beijing, China

Participated in research group on interaction design, mechanical and control system design


Software and computer languages:

Spatial Analysis and Visualization: Esri ArcGIS, QGIS, Python, R, Gephi, DHI MIKE, Geoda;

Data Statistics and Modeling: Mathematica, SPSS, Netlogo, GAMA, Python, R;

Graphical Design: Adobe Suite(PS, AI, ID);

Engineering Drawing and Modeling: Rhino(Grasshopper), SketchUP, ArchiCAD, AutoCAD;

Others: Office Suite, LaTeX, Arduino, Processing.

Natural languages:

Mandarin Chinese (mother tongue), English (B2/IELTS 6.0), German (B2/DSH-2).


Shanghai Open Data Application Competition (SODA)

2020 Third Prize, Shanghai Commission of Economy and Informatization

Smart city public health multi-scale monitoring and early warning platform

Planning Decision Support Model Design Competition

2019 Second Prize, Beijing Institute of Urban Planning and Design

Urban Land Use Layout Agent-based Model Research Based on Baidu POI Data

Shanghai Urban Design Challenge

2019 Third Prize, Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources

Automation City System - Improvement of urban space quality in Xuhui District, Shanghai

2nd Q-City International Student Design Competition

2019 Excellence Award, Urban Environment Design (UED) Magazine

Community Market and Public Space Design

NSC-URPEC Urban and Rural Comprehensive Practice Report Competition

2017 Excellence Award, National Steering Committee of Urban and Rural Planning Education in China

Survey of Urban Renewal Intentions in Qingdao Zhongshan Road Area with Public Participation

L&A Ruichang Urban Design Competition

2017 Excellence Award, Shenzhen L&A Design Holding Limited

Ruichang Regional Tourism Planning and Shipyard Reconstruction Design



Feng, W.*, Li, B., Chen, Z., Liu, P. (2021). City Size Based Scaling of the Urban Internal Nodes Layout. PLOS ONE, 16(4): e0250348. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0250348

Feng, W.*, Song, P., Li, B. (2021). Application of Multi-agent System in Land Use Decision-Making of Industrial Park: A Case Study of Tianfo Health Industrial Park, Shandong. Spatial Data and Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12567. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-69873-7_10

Feng, W.*, Wang, Y. (2020). Urban Memory Accessor: Mechanical Design of Interactive Installation Based on Arduino. Proceedings of the 2019 DigitalFUTURES. CDRF 2019. doi:10.1007/978-981-13-8153-9_31


Feng, W.*, Li, B. (2021). Automation City System: An Interactive Environmental Design Method Based on Data Perception: Space Renewal of Wendingfang Street, Xuhui District, Shanghai. 2020/2021 China Urban Planning Annual Conference. 10.26914/c.cnkihy.2021.033743

Liao, H.*, Feng, W., Zhao, J. (2017). Quantitative evaluation and optimization strategy of the vitality of residential historical and cultural blocks. Shanghai Urban Management, 2017,26(01)


Yang, L. E., Feng, W., & Peng, J. (2023). Chinas vielfältige Umweltprobleme. In China: Geographien einer Weltmacht (pp. 331-340). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Yang, L. E., & Feng, W. (2023). Entwicklung von Handelsbeziehungen. In China: Geographien einer Weltmacht (pp. 69-78). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Feng, W., & Yang, L. E. (2023). Landwirtschaft und Ernährungssicherung. In China: Geographien einer Weltmacht (pp. 321-329). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Feng, Wenhan. (2022). Adaptiver Städtebau im Kontext der Klimaneutralität (Adaptive Urban Planning in the Context of Climate Neutrality). 10.13140/RG.2.2.21684.53124.